Where's Parker: The Movie Game
Twine games have taken the NSU campus by storm. Wildly popular titles like "Three Monsters Walk into a Bar" and "The Book of Lua" entice the imaginations of students and faculty alike. Students note that "In some ways, it feels like we are living the games out in real life, in real-time, like they are actually happening on our campus." The Twine games are interactive text-based adventures created by users which require a small bit of coding, a splash of narrative, and a lot of storytelling patients. The Twine games have become so popular that the next logical step adapts a twine game into video form.
Just as everyone loves a good Kurt Vonnegut quote, moviegoers love when characters from games are brought to life. The movies are a remix of all our favorite characters with the affordances of real-life movement, natural sounds, and a familiar storyline. With that being said, it appears as if famed Twine author Otter1038 has partnered with Third World Pelican Studios and Lycanangel Productions to adapt the award-winning Twine game "Where's Parker".
"Where's Parker" is the original Twine game that started the Twine game craze. It follows a hapless noob grad student around campus searching for the Parker Building. The noob grad student is searching for something, but not sure what. All the student knows is that its in the Parker Building. Otter1038 stated that "While the game may have been vague about what the hapless student searched for, the movie will be more explicit in determining what the student finds".
Mark Wahlberg and Adam DeRoss, fresh off their breathtaking performance in "System Failure" will team up again to star in "Where's Parker".
And as a final note, Otter1038 says "that it wouldn't be a movie without a game" the proposed movie will come in the form of a Twine game, meaning that instead of the text adventure we are familiar with the text will be replaced with video, with the added excitement of determining which choice to make like the original game.
For exclusive content on "Where's Parker" Movie/Game check out Otter1038's blog.