Hey Everyone. A few of you have suggested that making Where's Parker: The Movie Game is nothing more than an attempt at a cash grab on my way out of grad school. Well keep reading and learn why I want to make Where's Parker: The Movie Game.
In the conclusion to their article, Composing for Sound: Sonic Rhetoric as Resonance, Mary Hocks, and Michelle Comstock note that sound is "completely embodied, multisensory, and vibrational"(144). "Where's Parker" as a text-based game limits player interaction. The game moves through a series of points and clicks however players are left to imagine the sounds and environments on their own. Consequently, players miss the opportunity to interact on a deeper level.
Tina Audrini's Cyborg Gamers: Exploring the Effect of Digital Game on Multimodal Composition, notices that “While playing, gamers interpret graphics, sounds, and texts" (92). "Where's Parker" in its current form lacks sounds, movements, and graphics.
The goal of the project is to remix the "Where's Parker" game using video to take the place of text. Video offers the affordances of sound, movement, and graphic qualities not found in many Twine games. Adapting the game to a movie game form shifts the focus away from text into an immersive experience for games.
#remix #freethelobsters #Where'sParkertheMovieGame
Working on the script with these two handsome fellas
#Where'sParkerTheMovieGame #AdamDeRisingStar